I remember this moment last year. 2017 was on the rise, adventure loomed and change was inevitable . 
2017 was a pivotal turning point for me. London was calling, and I was answering like my highschool crush calling on my landline, chasing new dreams and heralding the next chapter in this life of mine.   

And what a year 2017 turned out to be. Even though London, as many young faced travelling two year visa holders find out, takes you on a roller coaster ride that no theme park can rival. The dips which for me included a root canal, working at minimum wage at 27, losing/destroying various iPhones - whilst working on minimum wage at 27, and being alone in one of the worlds most bad-ass city's.

It's highs although certainly cancelled out the fear inducing dips into the lows. 

Those highs being finding the perfect pub to work at, with amazing people that too easily became family. Most of them Aussie funnily enough. My joke being that I met more Aussies than Brits during my time. Finding my feet in the hospitality biz, and absolutely loving it. Exploring one of the worlds most bad-ass city's. From the walks along Southbank, the bars, the shows, the gigs, the museums and the people.

Being away from home was liberating. The change in environment brought a different kind of freedom. At the beginning of 2017 I was sick to my stomach with the idea of leaving home and it all behind. But I knew it was what I needed. In hindsight 'it all' wasn't complete, without the new experiences and outlook on life that 'it all' now encompasses. 

And we've circled back around with 2018's arms wide open. I've flown home for the holidays and am meant to fly back out to London next week. Although this time the fear is more excitement. 

But before I can leap out once again I believe we are due for the third instalment of my years in 4'ish minutes! Enjoy.