A little game of catch up

  • Let me introduce myself and set up the terms of reference and parameters for my life.
    I am Nicole, in my early twenties and call Sydney Australia my home, born and raised and could not ask for a better place to be. I am an only child and still learning the ropes on social interaction, I can be where conversation comes to die, where I cant help but inappropriately laugh in awkward situations and dish out ill given advice. Further more I have always wanted a sibling, or three and as a result I have a tendency to latch onto people. I am very outspoken about my love for others, It may take a while for me to get there, seeing as I'm still overcoming my fear of and learning the craft of meeting new people, but once in the position too I will not be scared to go in for a hug. 

    For now I have a dog named toaster, a great bunch of friends and extensive family all and each I admire and adore. (Side note* Being partly asian, my parents are from the Philippines and migrated to Sydney a few years before I was born, so when I say extensive I mean family is family, no matter how far removed. For me its a love hate relationship I appreciate my background and the cultural nuances it brings, but could not imagine living anything less than a swagman life.)

    I've recently graduated from university and ready to take on the world, there's only one thing stopping me - I don't want to grow up just yet and am currently diagnosed with peter pan syndrome and taking somewhat of a gap year(and a bit)
    I love the outdoors and love being part of all the world has to offer, living a life outside. I love the coast, beaches and the ocean. Although take me to the jungle or the mountains and I still could not be any happier. Fashion and beauty is on the list, I've always loved photography and capturing moments and places, whilst an absolute must for me is music and dancing, but my true love is food.
    I enjoy most of what life has to offer, I must admit I'm what you could call your general handyman, somewhat interested and good at a whole bunch of things but does not specialize in anything in particular. In saying that I'm open to most things and have a positive attitude to life and want to make the most of it, from running away with the circus and trapezeing to cliff diving or learning the ukulele. My everyday may not be full of adventure but it is my life goal to chase it, So as I bucket list off things in my life let me also share with you all the parts in between.

    Severely sarcastic, mellow and good time loving, it's how I keep my Mr.Hyde bipolar depressive maniac persona in check. I may have a trust issue or two, indecisive, caffeine dependent, can be fence sitter, impulse buyer, bourbon and whiskey fan, cliche filled and loves to chase love, gets her kicks out of the small things in life but likes to dream of big things for her future. Is haunted by bad mistakes of her past, and feels the need to redeem her soul in the one shot life she's got, hoping to inspire change in even the smallest ways.
    I may have the tendency to get side tracked from the bigger picture and get easily distracted by the moment due to a natural talent to be ever present and an insatiable need to live in the moment, entertaining myself and those around me.

    I believe in family, friends, love, creation, imagination, community, home - that the human existence is meant to involve our connection with others and the surrounding environment we live in. How have we made a home for ourselves, a life for ourselves, what meaning have we found? What meaning can I find. I've always thought you are who you protect and what you stand up for. And I'm out to find what that is and who they are, I'm out to find a little life's perspective, make some sense of it all, and hopefully myself along the way. As I run around trying to make my way in the world wondering which sandwiches, songs and styles tickle my taste buds, come with me learn that gherkins are OK but I prefer pickles on my cheeseburger. I'm here to get focus in my contradiction of a life, make it seen and heard along the way, to write to create and connect and communicate and hopefully be a better person for it.